BKCA AGM Minutes 2018


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held at Maidstone BC on
Sunday 4 November 2018, commencing at 1005 hours.

1.  Welcome

Dick Pascoe, welcomed all present who had made the effort to attend and asked that all make sure that they sign the attendance register.  All were asked to take a minute’s silence to remember colleagues who had passed away during the last year (noted Alec Newberry).

 2.  Attendance: those Present:

Carol Watt-Sullivan, Dick Pascoe, Mary and Earl Whitehead, Barbara Way, David Golley, Ron Kent, Barry Swinerd, Gerry Henderson, Gordon Gully, Tony Petts, Alan Kent, John Fish, Alan & Lucy Cheeseman

3.  Apologies for Absence:

Apologies were recorded from: Jeanette Singer, Ron Phillips, Peter Harris, Stan Miller, Ken Kentell, Brenda Wood, Michael Blackband, Linda Walker, Carole Coulthard, Steve Smith, Jean Collins, Carol Sparkes, Wendy Preston, Peter Carey, Daphne Lewis, Maddie McConomy, John Phillips.

 4.  Previous AGM on 29 October 2017

The Minutes of the AGM of 29 October 2017 had been ‘posted’ on the web-site and sent out with the meeting invite. Copies were available at the meeting.  A short interval was given to browse hard copy (copies circulated)

Acceptance of minutes proposed by Gerry Henderson, seconded Barry Swinerd  Accepted nem con

Matters Arising

None raised, though the introduction of General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) from May 2018 was noted and note was made that BKCA will implement this.

 5.  Election of Executive Committee Officers up for re-election:

The Chairman advised names as listed on the agenda

a. Treasurer – Wendy Preston due for re-election 2019.  However, due to illness a letter had been received stating that she would be resigning from this AGM.  Therefore a successor is sought to take up to when the post is due for re-election.  A call was made to fill this vacancy from those attending

b. County Coach – Alan Cheeseman put in post October 2016 due for re-election 2019

c. Chairman – Dick Pascoe put in post November 2015 due for re-election.  Dick explained that he was willing to continue if required – Proposed Barbara Way, Seconded Alan Cheeseman

d. Secretary:  Carol Watt-Sullivan put in post November 2015 due for re-election.  In the absence of any other nominations, Carol agreed to continue.  Proposed Alan Cheeseman, Seconded Barry Swinerd. The meeting agreed to the appointments by show of hands.

 Appointment of a new Treasurer: no volunteer came from the Meeting, so a proposal was made by Dick Pascoe, seconded by Earl Whitehead

“The Committee and Officers of the Bowls Kent Coaching Association are empowered to appoint a person (name as yet unknown) to the post of Treasurer of the Bowls Kent Coaching Association and this meeting agrees to this appointment pending ratification at the next Annual General Meeting”  Meeting agreed nem com by show of hands to this proposal, in order that the bank mandate can be changed.

6.  Election of Executive Committee Officers:

Election of Co-opted Executive Committee Officers – reviewed annually:

a. Stock & Asset Controller – Alec Newberry who died this summer.  Alan Cheeseman had been in contact with the family and had made arrangements to collect all items from Alec’ home.  After discussion the meeting agreed to the proposal by Gerry Henderson seconded by Barbara Way that Alan Cheeseman in his role as County Coach was the ideal person to hold on to the stock for the Association and distribute as needed.

b. Skills Day Organiser –Dick Pascoe had agreed to do at last AGM.  General consensus at meeting was to ask him to stand again there being no nominations from the floor. (proposed Barry Swinerd Seconded Gerry Henderson)

c. Assistant (Minutes) Secretary – agreed as Carol Watt-Sullivan does the minutes this post not to be filled or put on AGM agenda again until such time as the Secretary does not stand.

 7.  Election of Divisional Coaches

i. Division 1 –Carol Watt Sullivan and Mary Whitehead agreed to take forward

ii. Division 2 –Ken Plant  - as not at the meeting – C Sullivan to ascertain whether willing to continue

iii. Division 3    due to Alec Newberry’s death, this has been vacant and Alan Cheeseman has been handling issues pro-tem.  A replacement is to be found from the division

iv. Division 4 – Gerry Henderson

 Job descriptions should be on web-site and responsibility of each division was to promote and liaise with coaches within division and direct training etc

 8.  Committee Reports

a) Chairman

Thanks were expressed to the club for use of the club for meetings and for also hosting this AGM.  Confirmation was given that provided the club was free, the BKCA was always welcome.  The meeting agreed to continue to ask Maidstone BC if they could continue to meet here.  Agreed by club.  Dick noted that we are now losing 2 level 3 coaches (Alec and Wendy) and asked all to support Association activities and administration.

 Skills Days: DP again asked for support and also asked coaches to regularly visit our web-site for updated information as to dates booked and a plea to any level two and three coach who wants to be involved to contact him as it is an ideal opportunity for all to improve their skill set (and first timers can be involved with level 3 coaches to learn new skills).  Special note of thanks was given to the level 2 coaches who helped staff the skills days without which they could not have been run.  There had been a couple of problem events, one affected by accidents on motorways.

So far 6 skills days are arranged for 2019:  Francis Drake, Beckenham & Stanhope, West Wickham (all Div 1); Helio Mirror and Broadstairs (last with different attendees to 2018) and Borough Green.  All dates will be posted on the web-site.

A contact list of telephone and mobile numbers is being compiled for BKCA Skills day use.  Those present were asked to check details on the list being held by the Secretary and this will be used by the Skills Day organiser and the organiser for individual skills day events.

 b) County Coach.  Alan Cheeseman reported that he was looking after Division 3 since Alec took ill.  With Gerry Henderson some 17+ coaches had been trained to work in their clubs in the last year.  Another 8-10 are starting in various indoor clubs during the coming winter, with the aim of taking all to level 2.  All coaches were thanked for their hard work in their own clubs and those who were involved in skills days were given especial thanks

For next year aim is again to look to doing coach skills seminars in the county for the benefit of all (and all coaches are eligible).  Aim really is to try and get 2 venues at least every 3 years.  Last year the venues were Stone Lodge and Ashford.  For the next cycle wish to go elsewhere to other indoor clubs – for example Tunbridge Wells. (The Royals); Thanet.  Timing:  trying for one at end of indoor season and other at end of outdoor.  The Association funded the cost of venue hire and the intention is to repeat this from existing funds.  This is to enable coaches within the association to gain a ‘material reward’ from our association by way of funding such events. A minimum of 6 rinks are needed to enable about 24 coaches + trainers to attend.  Alan asked for any coaches to make contact to get suitable venues around the county. 

 c) Treasurer – Copies of the accounts were circulated (Profit & Loss and Bank reconciliation) for inspection and comments made by Wendy Preston on the accounts were presented to the meeting, the accounts having passed that independent examiners inspection with minor alterations. 
Accounts currently show a healthy balance with assets totally £6398.19 (after this year’s depreciation – slightly down on previous year). ‘We purchased more stock than was sold because manuals and badges are included in coaching fees.  Quite a large number were trained to be coaches during the last financial year.  The equipment purchased was the camera, screen etc which Dick now has.  I am also sorry I cannot continue as treasurer (due to ill health and likely treatment).  No doubt it will be arrange for someone to collect the ‘books’ from me’. The cost of the BKCA web-site maintenance is shown as domain name.


 d) Stock & Asset Controller – Alan Cheeseman, following Alec Newberry had collected all stock held and provided a breakdown of stock taken over (totalling a book value of £1378.63), which was also available for sale (a breakdown and price list was available to all present).  Some items had been handed over to Alan by the family, the proceeds of the sale Alec’s personal bowls equipment would be passed to the RAF Benevolent Fund at the family’s request.

It was agreed by the meeting to write off old items and dispose of old County Markers badges as Marking training now falls under the remit of the trainers under the English Bowls Umpires Association who run Markers Awareness Courses and mentor new markers.

 e) Secretary

Renewal of Licenses:  BDA advertised (on their web-site) at £9.25 to include on-line admin fee.  EBCS renewals are £6 for current year.

Only a limited number of meetings had been held due to training demands etc and the committee continue to be frugal with funds. 

The EBCS are still ongoing with new coaches and retained coaches, while suffering losses due to death and retirement. 

The BDA Coaching under the BDA disappears in the spring.  Effectively Coach Bowls has already been taken over by Bowls England with John McGuiness of Buckinghamshire already appointed as the Director of Coaching by Tony Allcock.  No doubt the salaried staff will still remain, while EBCS is still staffed by volunteers.

Also of interest all flat green bowls (indoor and outdoor) come under the Crystal Mark ed 3 (red book) from 1 October 2018, the Indoor code having reached agreement with World Bowls.  Having obtained a rather expensive copy from EIBA, it seems to be no different to the cheaper one outdoor, once one ignores the domestic regulations on the inner back cover.  No doubt in future EIBA will issue its own domestic changes.

 Acceptance of remaining reports   Proposed by Mary whitehead, seconded by Earl Whitehead. Agreed by consensus 

9 Any Other Urgent Business.

Coaching skills days:  aim to hold cost to clubs of skills days at £6 a head + lunches (which allows reimbursement of reasonable mileage to coaches attending to run the day)

 There being no other urgent business raised, the meeting closed at 11.10am with thanks expressed to Maidstone BC for the use of their clubhouse.

 10. Next General Meeting

The next Annual General Meeting will be held at Maidstone BC on Sunday 3 November 2019 commencing at 1000 hours (as per constitution – First Sunday in November)

 Forecast of meetings for 2019:-Executive Committee Meetings/ Coaches Workshop Timetable for 2019.

Executive and Coaches Meetings:  To be agreed later

AGM: 1000 – 1200     Sunday 3 November 2019       Annual General Meeting

Venue: Meeting Room, Maidstone BC, Maidstone- confirmed by club