Some fun answers for you about the Laws of the Sport
  1 The minimum distance for a legally delivered jack is 23m to the nearest part of the jack to the centre of the mat line. It is centred before measuring
  2 The minimum distance from the mat for a rebound jack is 20m to the nearest part of the jack to the centre of the mat line.. It is (of course) not centred.
  3 It should then be removed (unless it is a toucher) as it has left the playing surface.
  4 The jack remains where it is. (if it goes into the ditch it is still 'live').
  5 The incorrect bowl is removed and the correct bowl put in its place and the replacement bowl is then marked as a 'toucher'.
  6 Your opponent can put it back where they think it was (unless you have a marker and then it gets replaced with agreement by both sides)..
  7 You call an umpire, if no umpire is available then any competent person can act as an umpire. If no-one available - replay the end. The umpire or competent person is the final arbiter and their decision is final – no recourse.  That person can decided it is tied end in which case no score.
  8 All players at the head must be at behind the jack if in possession of the rink or behind the jack and away from the head if not in possession. (It is recommended that players in possession of the rink at the head should be at least 1m behind the jack.)
  9 All players must be behind the jack or 1m behind the mat when their bowl comes to rest. (It is recommended that players at the head should be at least 1m behind the jack.)
  10 Yes, as the game has not yet started. The trial ends are not part of the game.
  11 No; it is not. All object should be removed from bank or placed behind rink marker
  12 Yes, if the foot is moved away before the bowl is delivered. Care should be taken to ensure that any foot placed in the head does not disturb it
  13 The front of the jack nearest the mat should be in line with the top of the 'T' or to the side of the stick.
  14 No; all four bowls must be identical. They must be same colour, size, marking, stamping and have same symbol on them, i.e. a matched set of bowls
  15 Double stickers are not permitted as they increase (a tiny amount) the width of the bowl when measuring. Some games only allow one sticker on each side of the bowl (exception is for Aero bowls where the large sticker can be split to put on the non-biased side)
  16 Always measure the 1st bowl, then the 2nd and then back to the 1st to double check without adjusting the measure (this is to ensure that the original measure is still accurate)
  17 The bowl has left the playing surface so (unless it is also a toucher)  should be removed as it is dead.
  18 It is dead at the moment it leaves the playing surface so it is dead before it touches the jack.
  19 Chalk or spray mark on BOTH sides of the bowl. If it falls into the ditch with a single mark down how will you know it is a toucher without moving it? In reality you would measure it as if it was a toucher and only then move it.
  20 Yes - the bowl must be deliberately delivered.
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